Tuesday 10 February 2015

This shit is bananas

"Grab the lowest banana on the tree"

I am wearing black because they are my concert blacks.
At a recent violin summer school that I attended, I met a lady who I hadn't seen in more than a decade. Back around a decade ago, she was the organizer of these summer schools, while I was a little hyped-up 7 year old violin kid. Back then I thought she was the bee's knees, and I still think the same way about her too.
Incredibly, after more then a decade she still remembered who I was. 
Funnily enough, the conversation quickly turned into "what are you doing with your life?", which lead to me answering "I don't know" (the easiest answer). 
After slowly opening up, I hinted that perhaps I wanted to study overseas, in Europe perhaps, which lead to the advice "grab the lowest banana on the tree". 
I'm not sure if I personally agree with this message, so here I am writing about it. 
According to the Banana Analogy Advice, people have gone on to do great things... but if you're living life, why not live life to the fullest? Personally I think my life is so full of doubts anyway (regardless of acquiring a high or low residing banana), and to pick the lowest banana on the tree wouldn't be challenging myself. Sure, if I fall and break a leg while picking a banana on a higher branch, that would hurt, and it would hurt even more if I fell without acquiring any bananas... but at least now I know how to get up that high, personally see the condition of the bananas up close, the reason why I fell, and knowing that I tried
Bottom line- life is an adventure, and I think if you're picking bananas which are easiest to pick, then you're limiting yourself to not knowing what the other bananas are like. 

Just remember to dispose of your banana peel responsibly, unless you want to be slipping on banana peels everywhere like a game of Mario Kart. 

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